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Pre-Employment Screening and Bad Employees: What You Can Do

Pre-Employment Screening and Bad Employees: What You Can Do

Our pre-employment screening process will help you weed out the bad candidates so they don’t become bad employees. However, you might have made a few mistakes before you hired us. If that’s the case, here’s a few helpful tips on dealing with bad employees. 

Be Professional 

Any meeting that you have with a bad employee needs to be held to a high professional standard. It’s important to keep in mind that you have a professional relationship with your employees. 

If you keep in mind that every employee was hired to do a specific task, it should be easier to keep this part of the process on a high level. 

Don’t Make Assumptions 

One of the first things that you need to do is ask the employee if they are aware of their bad behavior. This should always be done in a private setting. There could be some personal factors involved and some difficulties at home actually affecting their work performance. 

If they need some to get the personal side of their life put back together, you should be ready and able to offer any resources your company has. Even the industry-leading pre-employment screening we offer can’t predict certain events like family tragedies and unexpected illnesses. 

Suggest Upgrades 

It’s important to look for and try to implement any upgrades to an employee’s performance. Making suggestions is always helpful. Keep in mind that it might be a little unrealistic to expect everyone to get along together all the time. However, establishing a work environment where everyone has respect for each other is mandatory. 

It’s important that you don’t avoid the conversation or skirt the issue of any bad performance or behavior on the employee’s part. It’s central to keep in mind that any suggestions you bring forward should be helpful and positive. It doesn’t do anyone any good to stress or highlight their negative performance. 

Select Language Carefully 

Finally, it’s a good idea if you can select the language you use carefully when you’re discussing changes with an employee who is underperforming. It’s very important that you don’t criticize the employee personally. Pointing out behaviors that you found offensive and non-productive is fine. 

In most instances, implementing a few of these suggestions can help you fix an employee’s bad behavior. Keep in mind that our pre-employment screening services can help you match up the right candidates with suitable jobs.


Pre-Employment Screening