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How to Dovetail Your Recruitment Process and Culture Code

Replacing an employee costs a company roughly 33% of the employee's annual salary. That’s only the direct cost. High turnover also costs in terms of productivity and company morale. That’s why employee retention of productive employees is a metric that reflects well on everyone, not just human resources.

Why a Pre-screening Process is a Critical Component of Recruitment

Employers can no longer rely solely on resumes and candidate interviews to make a sound hiring decision. While both are an important part of the recruitment process, neither accurately report past performance, behavior, and other risk factors that could make a candidate a potential bad hire for a company. Having a pre-screening, or pre-employment screening process in place will help illuminate any risk factors that may be present before hiring an individual to your team.

4 Ways to Leverage Social Media in Your Recruitment Process

How can your company make the best use of social media in your recruitment process? Many companies are asking the same question. With many different social media channels, use cases for the job seeker vs. the employer, and finding time to execute a social media strategy to completeness can be daunting.

Writing Job Descriptions that Underscore Employer Brand

The best candidates are searching for a great place to work in addition to a job that is a good fit for their skills when looking at job descriptions. They want to impact your organization, grow personally, and connect in a meaningful way with their colleagues. To find these candidates, you must focus on employer brand in your job descriptions. Communicating your employer brand to candidates within the job description can help your candidates answer these questions:

Why Talent Acquisition Strategies are Replacing Simple Recruiting

Taking the time to hire individuals that suit your company, who want to help your company reach its objectives is imperative to its success.  For decades, companies have approached recruiting with a fill-the-position-quickly mindset. This is a mistake. As we grow in HR, and learn new strategies, it is becoming the norm to have a complete talent acquisition strategy in place of simple recruiting.

5 Tips for Writing Killer Job Descriptions

Every decision to hire a new employee, whether your company is small or large, represents growth and should be celebrated.  What a great feeling it is to have a flourishing company!

How to Match A Talent Acquisition Strategy to Your Company Culture

By now, you know that having a talent acquisition strategy is key to the success of any company’s workforce.

4 Pitfalls of New Talent Acquisition Strategies

Undertaking the implementation of a new talent acquisition strategy is no small feat. There are many moving parts in the project from team alignment to reporting the results of your efforts.

How Employer Brand Supports Your Talent Acquisition Strategy

We’ve all heard that improving your employer brand is important. You’ve probably read many articles about how to improve your branding strategy, but why is it such an important topic?

7 Must-Haves in Your Talent Acquisition Strategy

Having a competitive advantage in your industry can be difficult to accomplish without the right workforce in place.